Sunday, May 19, 2024
Home Careers Page 5


Job and career information for those interested in healthcare majors, including the latest news and industry trends.

occupational therapist

Occupational Therapist Job Description, Salary, and Education

Occupational therapists can be found in a variety of settings helping patients who suffer from physical, developmental or emotional conditions. Although their specific duties may vary, occupational therapists share an ultimate objective: helping people...

Doula and Infant Massage Therapist: Overlapping Opportunities

For healthcare students looking for opportunities to work with families and infants, the pathway toward becoming a doula or infant massage therapist may be of interest. Each opportunity provides particular supportive roles to women...

How to Become a Urologist

Some people dream of becoming a doctor. Others want to become a surgeon. Becoming a urologist allows you to do both. With a job description that includes both the clinical skills of a physician and...
Health informatics

Top of the Health Informatics Ladder: Chief Informatics Officer

As the healthcare industry continues to adopt more innovative technology in day-to-day operations, the oversight and harnessing of data has become more demanding and complex. Most major medical operations now have a chief informatics officer...
Radiology Technician

10 Vital and Growing Healthcare Support Careers

Healthcare careers remain a promising path, despite the relative uncertainty about the immediate future of the American healthcare system. No matter if the Affordable Care Act is replaced, the millions of aging Baby Boomers...
Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Nuclear Medicine Technologist Job Description, Salary, and Education

In the medical specialty of nuclear medicine, radioactive materials are used to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases. The nuclear medicine technologist’s role is to administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients who are undergoing scans...

Physical Therapy Named One of the Best Health Jobs of 2015

Healthcare jobs are booming across the board. With an aging population that will likely require greater access to medical treatments of all types, jobs are being created in healthcare at a rate that far...
Nurse Practitioner

How to Progress from RN to Nurse Practitioner

Working as a registered nurse continues to be one of the most popular professions in the United States, and with good reason. The pay is good, the jobs are plentiful and the challenges rewarding...

An Introduction to the Field of Nursing

The era of modern nursing started a decade before the Civil War when Florence Nightingale treated British soldiers during the Crimean War in 1854 and later began the evolution of the profession, establishing the...
Integrative Medicine

Careers in Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is an emerging field of healthcare that incorporates a variety of medical philosophies under one umbrella. Physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners and other healthcare professionals who work in integrative medicine are concerned with the...