Masimo’s iSpO2 deviceThe merging of technology with medicine is happening at incredible speeds. Now, with a new smartphone app from Masimo, the doctor-patient relationship can be more of an integrated partnership than ever before. This new and exciting device helps patients and athletes alike keep track of vital statistics.

With Masimo’s iSpO2 device, people can records pulse rate, perfusion rate and oxygen level readings which are displayed on a smartphone or other compatible mobile devices. The device works through communicating data from a sensor found on a soft clip placed on the top of a ring finger. The data is reported immediately and can be transferred to a health practitioner or stored.

Constructed out of professional grade components, the product is available for a variety of uses. Home health practitioners, nurse aids and nurses travelling in remote areas can use this technology to make recordkeeping more efficient and easier to transmit. Sending the data to a secure email address can provide easy back-up without having to use paper.

Also in development are devices that can analyze blood components, which could be a big asset to health professionals working in isolated areas and who need fast results to treat emergent medical conditions.

The devices entering the marketplace are built to be user-friendly, but it is still important that well-trained professionals analyze the data and interpret it accurately. In order to uphold the best practice standards for strong continuum of care for patients and their families who trust them, health professionals need proper training on the integration of new technologies with modern medicine.